Tuesday, October 6, 2020

What is Love?

Hey people, writing after ages as got motivation just now.

Never gave you guys a formal introduction. So here it is

I am Anushka, I am a friend cum consultant for everyone, always being a helping hand for many people, not to brag but I think this best describes me.

So let us start with the one thing most people have experienced and it is LOVE, but what it is? Do we have a proper explanation for it or its just another way to calm your physical or mental need? Or it is some meaning to our life. Or changes our life.

Many of you must be thinking some other things too, but with my experience, I have seen love depends on person to person just one thing remains the same. That is feeling.

The feeling to be with that person all time, the feeling to touch him/her, the feeling where everything stops when we are with them, the feeling where time flies, the feeling to imagine fantasies with that person. Some people get confused between attraction and love.

The feeling of happiness 

You are happy when he/she is happy, just watching that smile make your day awesome.

A sense to care and to give attention

You desire to make him/her comfortable first and then think about yourself. Like while meeting, you prefer to order his.her favorite food.

Making sacrifices

You see your comfort zone after him/her.

Bringing up good in you

Loving someone positively means you feel good things in yourself too. It is shown by better words and deeds you express, as well as more self-confidence.

The attraction is when you are with that person because of need something, Love is when you are just there with nothing in return.

Love is when you never feel bored of talking, no pressure and also you do everything to just be there. You just don’t care about your dignity or self-respect.

Here many will ask what if he/she doesn’t love you back the same way. I will say to them just leave them and you be who you are, don’t let go of the opportunity you are getting.

Love is important but a career, living life your too. So just let the person be, never force him/her. Stay focus in your life and if that love was meant to happen, it will. Yes, not every love story ends in marriage, some are made by heart and stays there. Religion, caste, family, society all these will be there but for love, you don’t need permission.

Now you may ask me If he/she never comes back. So here is a tip for that, don't wait for them. Time will fly like anything and if they never came back. Trust me he/she doesn't love you the same way you did. But does his/her love matter now. You are already doing well for yourself and it has been such a long time to expect his/her return. 

Now explore the new things to do, Love is the best feeling in the world but, not only feeling. Try self-care or your hobbies or set your goals. 

And nothing seems right, just drop me a text will glad to help you in your future endeavors.😊💓

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Maa Divas

Today is mother's day, but why only today to appreciate your mom, It should be done daily.

Yes my family sucks and my mom has seen a lot in her life, so I decided to give her all the happiness in this world. And now my mom is not just maa, she is my friend. Yes she takes decision sometime which are not right but everyone can't be god. She is also human.

So here are some tips you can pamper your mom.

  • Outstation trip just you n her
  • Make her a meal
  • Watch daily soaps with her
  • Make her feel special 
  • Be that self depended that she doesn't need to ask money from someone else 
  • Fight with her (pyaar bhadta hai) 

I do all this, She gave whole her life for us me and my sister. I love her to moon and back.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

QUARANTINE... (don't judge book by its cover)

Life has taken a roller coaster ride since my last blog post.
Every day we learn, we nurture , we grow, we make mistakes, we loose, and much more.
The chapter here I am in, is same as lockdown. I want to come out but so lazy to see world out. yes I had dreams, yes I want to be big. But here I am just watching time passes by. Some negativity has hit me so hard that I don't even want to try.

In all these time away from my blog, I have messed with life cycle so much.For example - I don't have true frnds now, I don't trust anyone, I hate person who is doing wrong. I am not happy anytime. Just a lame person walking like alive body. Not even person is word for me. I have many plans prepared but all are waste as I am not willing to stand for those plans. I quit job too.

Family situation is even worse, I never though would talk about this issue so publicly, but its been heights now, so yes my family is fucked up. Still I survived 24 years of my life and will continue. Tried every bit to understand them but CAN'T.
Just wanna run away from everything and be myself.

What is good in this negative thinking?
Only the wrong decision I took are making me feel that I am grown up now. Still no regrets.
Too much I I I, in this post. Self obsession toh bachpan se hai. Anyways How you all? Be strong and safe guys, this lockdown can make you really ill and depressed but don't worry I am here with you ppl.

zada senti ho gyi 😋

Please guys disturb and bug me anytime. I am all this way. 

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Adulting Season 2

Yes its here,

Too excited to see the all new season of Adulting, most relatable of all series.
Though the peaple in my life have change day to night since last season. How funny it is na, that you see something and try to engage current set of peaple in your life with your version of that particular series.

Last year when i saw Adulting, I was ray and someone was Nikhat. But now all is lost, I am still ray but all alone. Sometimes it feel good to be on safer side of a story and not to know other percpective.
Although I am confident enough that I am right and I have taken a great decision in my life, but sometimes it feels may be I was wrong and things change against me but with my good in it.

2 episodes are out, but I am not able to relate, because I am alone. I have learnt one thing recently, Being alone is good but feeling lonely is not.
When we are Alone we can explore the best side of you, you don't have to think about anything and you can be you. Like you can order a pizza and eat it whole by yourself. Or you don't have to share cigarettes with anyone.
But lonely is when you need someone to snatch your pizza slice and you can fight with them to get it. Or you want to share cigarettes.

I don't know, I am alone or lonely but these days nothing actually is going as I thought it would. And destiny is also not giving me any surprises. Old school life. No jobs, no aim, no friends, no guidance, no adventure, nothing. Thank to me love life is pretty fine. But thats not enough. Too demotivated. Lot of de ja vu is happing too.

Any suggestions, do comment down.

Click here to watch Adulting Season 2

Thursday, May 9, 2019

That's hell but life...

Sometimes we don't expect to be bad but we behave that way in anger, and we lost those who are important in our life. Yes, I have recently lost a true friend and bashed internally many people, but it wasn't intentional.

I m short tempered person, and I can't digest wrong. Something wrong effects me so quick like storm.

This happened few days back, where a terrible prank was done on me and my reaction was massive, i apologize for that but no body listened. And now they all are one and I am alone. Cant handle being alone so I tried till end to get them in my life, but no luck. I wish that prank was not done, I wish I don't loose her. But one thing, she is doing wrong. The way she is making me hateful for everyone. Never expected, but she is kinda right too.

First time in life feeling helpless and out of blue, everything is going wrong. I am trying to be calm but depression is taking over. And love of my life is suddenly anti-me, yes I am not right this time, but they know what i am as a person.

Situation is also going worst, the bar is declining like anything. I hope to cope up soon and trying to make everything normal. Sorry to everyone whom I hurt, It wasn't intentional. Just stop judging me on one incident. You all have plenty of good phase of me, consider that and forgive me. I am no god, I am human.

Quick advise, never loose your best peaple because destiny is there and once you loose them, you will be thrown in a dustbin of shit immediately by life. 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

1 year completed 😍😍

I m too excited today, one year completed since I have started writting blog 😍

Thanks to everyone, who supported and inspired me, and my most amazing life which told me everytime to shout out loud to the viewers ..

Ummm, life is so unpredictable yaar, I just started this blog to shre my feelings and now I think its my responsibility and talent 😉 to post something good. Currently, life going all smooth and healthy. No grudges no regrets.

Free soul with info of hard reality 

Inspiration are always good and better to lead your life, currently obsessed with mostlysane videos aka prajakta koli. She is youtuber and post fun n inspiring videos. She is doing what she meant to be, not she wanted to be. Some miracles do happen, i wish sometime I also tick that from my checklist. But miracle only happen to good souls, i m good but lil bit witty 😊. Mentioning moslysane link below.

Recently new obsession of lipsticks is there and also being calm and understanding. I guess i m getting mature. Hope to not be one of those mature peaple who are all free from moh maya. I want to be child till my last breath.

What nonsense I am writing, Is it me or some morning boost, don't know 😏?

Chlo cya 🤩🤩

Mostlysane profile

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Indore - Journey will never stop

Travellers shout out for new travel destination..

The more I speak the lesser I feel. For me indore is not just place, its a feeling. Indore is the place which defines me, who i m today.

So Indore started with me and it will end with my soul.
You all must be thinking, Aisa kya hai waha?... Sach bolu toh kuch nhi but mera sab kuch.

So I started this journey on march 2015, with random decision, I packed my bags and landed in new city without any contacts and some money in pocket.
It was first official escape from my home town & I planned to stay in Indore for sometime. Booked my hostel online, marked the to do list, which was nothing but doing course from Arena Animation. Yeah I know its there in delhi too but who would come after me, if i have decided something, Its final. ( I am kinda bossy 😉).

So from airport I went to hostel and found out its very far from institute. I will have to take 3 public transport to reach there. And hostel was pathetic & warden was pain in ass. So I decided to look for place nearer and lenient. By my good luck found this great pg nearer and the aunty was fab too. Next month I shifted there. Time being every Saturday I use to go to new places in Indore all alone. I was liking the me I was becoming. It was great.

In every travel post, I tell you where to go or how to go. But it is more like my life experience. I wanted to share this since very long.

After I got pg, I find out that my friend from fb stays here in Indore. I quickly called her and I felt like little baby who got someone known. All this while, I understood the real meaning of 'ghar ka khana' n ' ghar '. The importance of mom, making new friends, recognizing different person.

There are many things to talk about indore, i m mentioning some topic,
Peeps comment and let me know which one you want me to write on...

First job..
Struggle and pleasure to live alone..
Love ending and new starting..
My second mother...
Chai and sutta days...
Endless travel...
Mindful careers...

Its brief many parts to come 🖐️

Mumbai - Mah dream city..

Hey!!  Hope you all are liking my blog , so on demand for travel post, I am here with my new experience.. Mumbai, this word was my fanta...