Thursday, May 9, 2019

That's hell but life...

Sometimes we don't expect to be bad but we behave that way in anger, and we lost those who are important in our life. Yes, I have recently lost a true friend and bashed internally many people, but it wasn't intentional.

I m short tempered person, and I can't digest wrong. Something wrong effects me so quick like storm.

This happened few days back, where a terrible prank was done on me and my reaction was massive, i apologize for that but no body listened. And now they all are one and I am alone. Cant handle being alone so I tried till end to get them in my life, but no luck. I wish that prank was not done, I wish I don't loose her. But one thing, she is doing wrong. The way she is making me hateful for everyone. Never expected, but she is kinda right too.

First time in life feeling helpless and out of blue, everything is going wrong. I am trying to be calm but depression is taking over. And love of my life is suddenly anti-me, yes I am not right this time, but they know what i am as a person.

Situation is also going worst, the bar is declining like anything. I hope to cope up soon and trying to make everything normal. Sorry to everyone whom I hurt, It wasn't intentional. Just stop judging me on one incident. You all have plenty of good phase of me, consider that and forgive me. I am no god, I am human.

Quick advise, never loose your best peaple because destiny is there and once you loose them, you will be thrown in a dustbin of shit immediately by life. 

Mumbai - Mah dream city..

Hey!!  Hope you all are liking my blog , so on demand for travel post, I am here with my new experience.. Mumbai, this word was my fanta...